Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas -- time for collaboration and cooperation

For those who believe in Christmas, please be generous and kind to those who don't. The Tao Te Ching says that a bad man is a good man's charge. 

It is not necessarily the case that those who don't believe in Christmas are bad, just as it is the case that those who believe in Christmas are not necessarily good. 

The mirror was invented for this reason.

Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and all those you love and care about. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013


President Xi,

As an Overseas Chinese person, I beseech you not to make deals with the United States on anything that would put China in a disadvantageous position, presently or in the future. 

China has the will and the power to do what is right for the world in the long-term perspective of history. Your job, Mr. President, is to carry out the will of the entire world's people to be free and being able to pursue plans of their own according to their situation without coercion or threats from anyone. 

China has always advocated for a multi-polar world and that should continue to be China's goal - - to be an equal among equals -- to walk proudly and freely.

I can tell you that the American people do not have faith in the government that rules them at this time. 

You have their blessing and my blessing to be strong and just.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Quintessential Literary Review --- Five Willows Literary Review

This is a quality literary review in the spirit of Tao Yuanming,
the ancient Chinese statesman poet, also known as
Mr. Five Willows, for the trees that surround his impoverished 
living quarters

This review is actively soliciting the best of your work in any genre as long as it is not ungodly lengthy, for that will delay Mr. Five Willows from his appointment with a cask of wine

Please go to this link:


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A True Scholar in the Secular Age

Dr. Michael Meade  

This is Dr. Michael F. Meade of the English Department of Fort Hays State University in Kansas.

I am very proud to have studied with Dr. Meade in a variety of topics ancient and modern in the various genres of English literature. Currently I am off on a private literary investigation but you can bet your last dollar that I shall not return empty-handed. Every course I had with Professor Meade was value-added. He teaches "who travels lighter travels farther." 

And whoever travels lighter travels faster, and so I am leaving today in a relative way and I shall return the previous day.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chrysanthemum Publications, Inc video 1

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Goldfish Press begin movie

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Not Confined Anymore

Knowing China through Taiwan

  • Monday, November 4, 2013
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US can no longer contain China within First Island Chain: Duowei

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-11-04
  • 08:57 (GMT+8)
The Guangzhou, a Type 052B guided-missile destroyer, passes through the Bashi Channel to participate in the Mobile 5 exercise on Oct. 23. (Photo/Xinhua)
The Guangzhou, a Type 052B guided-missile destroyer, passes through the Bashi Channel to participate in the Mobile 5 exercise on Oct. 23. (Photo/Xinhua)
China's Mobile 5 naval exercise in the Western Pacific between Oct. 18 and Nov. 1 has shown that the United States can no longer contain the Chinese maritime power within the First Island Chain — which extends from Alaska, South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan and the Philippines, according to Duowei News, an outlet run by overseas Chinese.
Under the request of Admiral Wu Shengli, commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy, the Mobile 5 naval exercise deployed vessels, submarines, helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft from China's North Sea Fleet, East Sea Fleet and South Sea Fleet to compete against each other in an environment closest to real combat. The exercise was launched to prove that Chinese vessels have the ability to hold exercises beyond the First Island Chain by penetrating the Miyako waterway between the Japanese islands of Miyako and Okinawa.
State-run China Central Television (CCTV) reported that Japanese aircraft closely monitored the Chinese naval fleet during the exercise. During a press conference held on Oct. 31, Chinese defense ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun said the Japan Maritime Self Sefense Force sent the Ikazuchi — a Murasame-class destroyer — into the area of exercise on Oct. 25 and claimed that the intrusion was a act of provocation. Yang said that China demands a promise from the Japanese government to never interrupt Chinese naval exercises in the future.
Tensions between the two countries continue to mount after the Japanese government nationalized the disputed Diaoyu (Senkaku or Diaoyutai) islands last September. The Diaoyu islands, known in Japan as the Senkaku islands and in Taiwan as the Diaoyutai islands, are an island chain in the East China Sea claimed by the three parties but controlled by Japan.
China has begun to launch routine naval exercises near the disputed waters, while Chinese vessels penetrate the Miyako waterway at least once every two months for exercises in the Western Pacific, according to the London-based Jane's Defense Weekly.
Du Wenlong, a military analyst from Beijing told Duowei News that the First Island Chain was established by the United States and its alliesduring the Cold War to contain the maritime expansion of China. The PLA Navy has made several attempts to break through the line over the years, proving its ability to launch military drills beyond the makeshift barrier, Du said.
Another military expert Chen Hu said the PLA Navy has no intention of challenging the position of the US Navy as a global maritime superpower, but China has a legal right to conduct exercises like any of other nation in the open sea.
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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chinese Nuclear Submarines

Thu,Oct 31,2013

ExpertChinese offensive nuclear submarines can globallytrack and attack aircraft-carrier formations

(People's Daily Online)    17:15, October 31, 2013
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There have been several recent media reports on China's first nuclear submarinedetachmentPictures disclosed to the media show drills taking place inside Chinese nuclearsubmarines for the first timeWhen interviewed by a media agencythe military expertYin Zhuo analyzed the combat capability of China's nuclear submarine force

In the 1970s, a special group coded 09 emergedwhich is China's fleet of nuclearsubmarinesA counter-attack force against aggression by foreign powersthis fleetrecently made a continuous voyage of 90 days and nightsthus setting a new record for asingle voyage of long duration among nuclear submarines worldwideAs a strategic "ironfistof the Chinese militarythe fleet has an initial nuclear deterrence and counterattackcapabilityIt has guaranteed nuclear safety for 42 yearsand no nuclear accident has everoccurred

Speaking about the strategic deterrent ability and wartime combat capability of China'snuclear submarine fleetYin Zhuo said that our current nuclear submarines include twotypesballistic missile nuclear submarines and offensive submarinesThe former are thepillar of China's nuclear counterattack forceThis confirms that China operates a defensivenuclear strategy and will not make first use of nuclear weaponsor deploy nuclear weaponsto forestall any enemy attack.

InsteadChina operates a nuclear counterattack strategyThat is to sayonly when ouropponents use nuclear weapons to attack us will we use nuclear weapons to counterattackthemThis requires our nuclear forces to have a very strong capacity to withstand enemyattackThe survival ability of nuclear submarines is higher than that of any other defenseunitcapable of reaching 85 to 90 percentThe survival capacities of other land-basednuclear forces are generally estimated at 6.5 percentor 15 to 20 percentfar lower thanthat of nuclear submarines

Yin Zhuo said that offensive nuclear submarines can deter large warshipsand can track,pursueseek out and attack the aircraft-carrier formations of the adversary wherever theyhide themselvesHoweverconventionally-powered submarines cannot do thisas theyonly have an ambush capacityBecause of their low cruising speedconventionalsubmarines are limited to waiting for "windfalls". If the adversary alters its coursethere islittle that they can do about itHoweveras long as they can identify their opponents,nuclear submarines can track them globallyin all watersworldwide
(Editor:YanMeng、Yao Chun)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Getting dangerous out there!

Knowing China through Taiwan

  • Monday, October 28, 2013
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PLA ballistic submarine can reach US cities with JL-2 missiles

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-10-28
  • 11:53 (GMT+8)
A Type 094 PLA Navy submarine. (Internet Photo)
A Type 094 PLA Navy submarine. (Internet Photo)
China's nuclear-powered ballistic submarine is capable of conducting combat patrol missions around the Second Island Chain, according to military expert Li Li in an interview with the Party-run People's Daily online.
The Second Island Chain extends from Honshu on the Japanese island chain southward to New Guinea.
Only a few nations around the world are able to construct their own ballistic submarines because of the sheer difficulty, said Li. Larger pressurized water reactors are suitable for surface combat vessels, but cannot be used for submarines. It is extremely difficult for most nations around the world to build a properly sized pressurized water reactor in their submarines. Then there is building a nuclear reactor.
The PLA Navy have solved these major problems through years of development. The earlier Chinese submarines designed during the Cold War were small, noisy and had a short attack range. China's new generation Type 094 Jin-class submarines are able to reach the Second Island Chain. Equipped with 16 JL-2 missiles, their attack range extends 8,000km.
The JL-2 could hit Los Angeles from the waters east of the Kurile islands in the northern Pacific, Peter Howarth points out in his work China's Rising Sea Power: The Pla Navy's Submarine Challenge. When launched from the East China Sea, the JL-2 can reach Guam, Hawaii and Alaska. The JL-2 intercontinental submarine-launched ballistic missiles can also be equipped with a nuclear warhead, posing a considerable threat to US national 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Can a 6-year old joke?

Knowing China through Taiwan

  • Saturday, October 26, 2013
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Kill Chinese to solve debt crisis, says child on Jimmy Kimmel show

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-10-25
  • 09:34 (GMT+8)
An episode of the US talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live has been pulled by US television network ABC which featured a segment in which children were asked to offer suggestions on how to resolve the recent government shutdown, with a 6-year-old suggesting that everyone in China should be killed so that the US government would not have to pay back its debts, reports the Chinese-language website of the Global Times, run by the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily.
This suggestion prompted the children taking part to debate whether the Chinese would want to kill Americans too and if Americans should build a wall to prevent Chinese from coming over to demand repayment. Kimmel found the discussion hilarious and wrapped up the show by teaching the children that people should pay their debts so that others would be willing to lend them money in the future.
The discussion created huge controversy and a good deal of anger in the US. A petition has been submitted to the White House's website to demand an investigation into the show. The petition said Kimmel and ABC should have realized that the show was inappropriate for broadcast because it would promote racial hatred and that the show had echoes of the rhetoric used in Nazi Germany. It blasted the episode for being distasteful and unacceptable, demanding the episode be cut.
The episode has also drawn the attention of Chinese internet users. A netizen who goes by the name "Wupeng" said US education must be terrible as the children did not seem to value human lives at all. Other internet users said people should not take the whole matter so seriously since the children were speaking in jest.

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